Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Become an Alpha Male - Step One

To become a real man, a true, successful leader - an alpha male, you first need to get your mind straight and start thinking the right way. Every change starts from within. If you know what you want it's a lot easier to get there then if you're just shooting all around the place. So first - determin what you want out of life and don't be afraid to think big.

Thinking big will eventually get you big. Alpha Males are above the crowd, above the average Joe's that watch TV all day and work a boring 9-5 job making someone else rich. To become an alpha male you need to dig deeper within you and figure out what is your life purpose and what the hell you want out of your life, once you become a man of purpose - women will automatically be attracted to your vibe. Women want a man with a purpose, a man with a direction - a vision. They don't want a lost guy that doesn't know what he's doing with his life, lost in space and insecure about himself. Alpha males do not display feminine traits, because as the word says - they are males, not fe-males.

What are the Characteristics of Alpha Males?

Alpha males have a different reality than regular Joe's. They know what they want and they fearlessly go for it. They took the red pill, they know about the Matrix and they are ready to bend the rules, to make it "their" world - they run their lives however they want to - and that is what makes them powerful and attractive with a dose of danger to women. So in order to get the characteristics of an alpha male - stop worrying about what other people think of you. Worrying and caring about what other people think of you is the number one reason why most guys have little to no success with women. Alpha males on the other hand - don't give a rat's ass about the opinions of others. They do whatever the hell they want to do - and they have the balls to do it.

They don't think - they act. Alpha males are men, real men, of action. There is no bullshit, there is no fear - there is power and confidence, there is strenght and passion, there is desire and the instinct to survive and spread their genes. You can not always spot an alpha male, since there are different types of them out there - and yes, it may be something you are not born with - but you can develop almost anything in life if you put some work into it.

So once again - step number one to becoming an alpha male is awakening and understanding what you truly want in your life. Stop thinkin about what other people think you should do in your life. Life is too short to be living other people's dream. Figure out what you want and go for it. It's your life, take control of it and become whatever you desire. Once you figure out your purpose and goals in life - you'll see more clearly, and you'll be able to go on on your journey of becoming an alpha male.

I advise you to read this book from Alexander because it is without a doubt the best, most simple way to change the way you view yourself, life and women - and if this book doesn't help you to become successful with beautiful women - nothing will. I recommend you this because I myself have spent years learning about women, social dynamics and becoming more powerful. I've read over 50 books on the subject of self development, and most of them are useless garbage without direction, on the other hand, Alexander's "How to Become an Alpha Male" is a raw, real book that will tell you what's really going on and how to make it without all the hype and nonsense.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I know some tips on how to improve your alpha male characteristics. Go to this page for more info.
